1. Abdul Bari - C++/Java : Udemy (around 5$-10$) : Link C++ Link Java
  2. Abdul Bari - DSA Concepts : Udemy (around 5$ - 10$) : Link
  3. Aditya Verma - DSA Concepts(with examples/questions) - Recursion, DP, Heap, Binary Search, Stack : Youtube (Free) : Link
  4. Striver - DSA Advnaced & Questions/concepts : Youtube (Free) : Link
  5. Love Babbar - DSA Basics & Questions : Youtube (Free) : Link

When i write Questions in front of a name, i simply mean that if you are stuck somewhere while doing a problem then refer to these. Don’t just open their videos and expect them to do the solution for you without even trying it for ‘more than’ enough time.

Problem Solving

  1. Leetcode
  2. GeeksForGeeks

Only Go For ‘DSA Sheets’ if you don’t have enough time to prepare for like 6months or around.

Try avoiding DSA Sheets otherwise, as although they seem to be making your study systematic but they actually limit your learning unless they have like 1000+ Questions ; )


DSA for GATE by Narsimha Karumanchi ( recommended )